Here's Why You Should Localize Your Content
Best PracticesWhen you're planning the content you'll display on a digital signage solution like Nixplay Signage, you should keep in mind that everything you publish should speak to as wide an audience as possible. At the same time, you should also remember that content is not one-size-fits-all. If you want your message to be heard around the world, you should be creating content that speaks to people from all walks of life.
The easiest way to do so is to localize your content so it resonates more deeply with various audiences. You don’t have to do a complete overhaul: By retaining the same message and only changing certain aspects of your content, such as the words or the promo details, you’ll be able to get what you want to say across easier and better. And if you have several Nixplay Signage displays located in different areas, you can easily edit your content and schedule them so you'll always get your message across efficiently, wherever in the world you may be.
If you're still not yet sold on the merits of localizing your content, the numbers back it up: Up to 87 percent of non-English-speaking customers will hesitate to buy a product from an English-language website. And with only around 1.5 billion English speakers around the world, you have an estimated 6 billion folks out there waiting to hear your message.
Here are three ways to start going about it:
1. Localize Your Language
You’d be hesitant to buy a product from a website in a language you can’t understand, and it’s easy to see why a lot of websites have at least two language versions. But when it comes to digital signage, things can get a little trickier. In a sea of content, all in the same language and all vying for your attention, how do you stand out?
The solution: Change certain elements of your copy so it appeals to your target audience. If you’re targeting millennials and Gen Z-ers, brush up on the latest slang and pop culture terms. If you want more residents from a certain area to pay attention to your signage, reference locals or landmarks they’ll recognize. This will lead to improved engagement and recall, which can eventually lead to more sales.
2. Switch Up Your Graphics
Certain images can be recognized globally: A traffic light will still look like a traffic light wherever in the world you may be. But some images need to be adjusted to comply with the culture of a certain area. You’d be hesitant to show swimwear or lingerie ads on digital signage located in a religious or conservative community, for example.
You should also know if certain gestures might be deemed offensive to certain people. A thumbs up sign may be an expression of approval in most countries, but it actually means the opposite in Iran, Greece, and some parts of Africa. Take note of these cultural differences before you put out your images!
3. Know What’s Happening in and Around the City
There are only a handful of events that are recognized globally, like Christmas, Easter, and New Year. Almost everything else caters to select populations.
Showing a Fourth of July poster on a signage display located in China, for instance, will not do your brand any favors unless it's located in an area with a large American population. On the other hand, if you’ve got a store in a city that’s celebrating its foundation day, you can get into the action by creating a one-day sale just in that branch.
The moral of the story? Make an effort to know what’s going on in the areas where your displays are located, and capitalize on them. You’d be surprised at how little things that can be achieved by simple research can pay off in great dividends.
Nixplay Signage offers unique B2B solutions. Get in touch today for a free demo, for details of our offerings or for any questions or inquiries. Try Nixplay Signage now to start seeing the difference.
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