Make the Office a Happy Place – With Digital Signage!

Make the Office a Happy Place – With Digital Signage!

Companies use digital signage to display messages, keep employees aligned with the company’s mission, display useful graphs and charts, and announce business wins or new product information. But most of all, Digital Signage is a tool for happiness, yes, yes, it is!

A happy employee is a productive employee, here’s what to put on the big screen for all to see:

  1. Birthday Greetings! Who doesn’t want to be greeted on their birthday?
  2. Announce work anniversaries.
  3. Perfect Attendance. It takes a lot of effort and discipline – inspires others to do the same.
  4. Recognize employees' hard work.
  5. Reward their achievement, give them a raise! Or just put it on the display.
  6. Announce free snacks or catered lunches – yummy!
  7. Post special trivia about an employee, because of bragging rights!
  8. Broadcast holidays and you will see their smiling faces every time they pass by the display.
  9. Post inspirational quotes, memes or joke of the day.
  10. Deploy random group photos of employees, holiday party videos, or childhood photo.
  11. Heath tips: because you want them to be healthy.
  12. Create a contest and announce the winner on the display.
Make the Office a Happy Place – With Digital Signage!
Got more ideas! Write us a comment.

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